Beechdale Nursery School provides a high level of support for any children with social and emotional needs. We work closely with parents to ensure a smooth transition into nursery and due to this, needs are identified very early. We are able to support children and families through individualised and supportive transition arrangements. This can include visits with parents and shorter sessions until the child is more comfortable in the nursery environment.
Children have a key person who works with them across the nursery day, this ensures that they are supported and feel secure. Nursery practitioners are caring and open and ensure that children are listened to. They are highly attuned to any changes in behaviour which may indicate any changing needs in this area.
We have small group times where social and emotional needs can be addressed, for example helping identified children to build friendships and develop social skills.
In addition, we employ a Family Support Advisor (Mrs Richardson) who works closely with parents and children to support any emotional of social difficulties they may be experiencing. Mrs Richardson is a trained councillor and can offer bespoke support to children e.g. play therapy, Lego Therapy and Therapeutic Story writing.