Here are a selection of images from our school allotment for you to enjoy. They show our crops at various stages during the year, along with images of the children exploring the beds, harvesting the vegetables and discovering the joy of worms!!!!
Our Greenhouse
After one blustery windy day in 2011 the Green House could not stand the force and was blown down.
This year after some reinforcement the Green House has been fixed.
We now have a fantastic Green House down in the allotment, this has been a great success and the children have gained a great deal from being able to use the Green House whilst down at the allotment.
This success will be continued this year, when the new children to Nursery will be introduced to the allotment and will soon begin to enjoy their weekly sessions.
Fingers crossed the new Green House can withstand the high winds we seem to commonly have here in Consett!