As well as the main nursery building we also have “The Beechdale Centre”, which is an extension to our nursery and is situated next to the main building.
The following activities take place in the centre in addition to those we provide for the children in the main school:
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club is held every morning from 7.45 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. at a cost of £3 per day.
Children using this facility are involved with choosing and shopping for a range of healthy foods and they help to prepare these each morning. This provides the children with a meaningful experience of healthy eating and food preparation.
Large Group Activities
The centre is used as a fantastic large space for group time activities examples include wiggle while you squiggle (a movement programme to support gross and fine motor development) yoga, music games, parachute games, drama story sessions, little kickers and many more…
New Developments
During Autumn 2011, our centre was extended further to include an additional room. This new room was originally a dedicated space for our Child Care Children, but now due to an extension in nursery numbers we now have the room as a key worker group and a very recent addition when not in use as the key worker group it is a super Sensory Room. Complete with bubble tube, UV lights, mirror ball, large mirrors and bubble machine! Its a vital space and one that is used on a daily basis for all the children, its ideal for those children who just need a quiet space to ‘chill’, do more focused work and take part in sensory activities.
Many thanks to the Tom Cowie Charitable Trust for part funding this project.